3 Ways Colleges & Schools Can Use Sliding Acoustic & Operable Walls

Schools and colleges are constantly looking for ways to create spaces that are functional, simple to use and comfortable for both students and teachers. However, these aren’t always easy to find. Operable walls can make this simpler for you though, while fitting with your budget. Ease of use and simplicity is just an added bonus! 


Mini work rooms/study rooms split up by acoustically rated walls


Any teacher knows that sometimes you need to split children up in order to get any work done. That isn’t always easy when they can still make faces at each other across the classroom. Operable walls can split the room into sections in order for you to split the class into groups so you can have their full attention. For colleges this can also make a world of difference in areas like libraries so there are designated areas for a quiet zone and the general study area. 


Turn an assembly room into classrooms – maximise your space


If your school is lacking in space then have no fear. Our products can section off areas so different year groups or houses can work in peace. You can create separate classrooms in a matter of minutes. It can be a great way to get them excited on an activity day with different sections to explore. Or for a parents evening to display the children’s work all in one room with the extra wall space. The options are limitless for how you can use the walls; Whatever your needs, our operable walls can cater to each of them. 


Make a test room in no time with operable walls


Any test is always a nightmare to organise. Splitting up the tables, preventing cheating, getting invigilators, different classes taking different exams; there’s often too much to organise. Operable walls can be used to divide a large hall or classroom into smaller sections so each test can happen simultaneously. This can also make the lives of teachers easier, preventing cheating and communication between students. Our products are designed to be easily moveable, so once the test is done, just push them flat to the wall and continue as usual. No hassle. You can even get the children to help, it’s that easy. 


Contact us for your operable walls

If you are looking to have moveable walls installed into your school, college or office, then please do give our friendly team a call. Call us on 01932 918 338 or you can email us at sales@modernglide.co.uk. Alternatively, you can fill out our online enquiry form, and we will be in touch as soon as we can.