5 Benefits of ModernGlide’s MG200 Sliding Folding Partitions

Whether you’re expanding your company and need extra space, or if you want to be able to adapt your space to suit your needs, sliding folding wall partitions are a fantastic solution. Installing fixed, permanent walls can be an expensive and time consuming process. At ModernGlide, we offer sliding folding partitions that are much more […]

Keep Students Focused With Noise Absorbing Sliding Acoustic Door

Schools are never quiet places, keeping hundreds or even thousands of students to a minimal noise level is near enough impossible. So we’ve found a solution to your problems. What if we told you there was a way to keep the noise isolated to certain areas without everyone having to whisper. Would you believe us? […]

3 Reasons Why Installing Movable Wall Partitions Is A Cost-Saving Solution  

Movable wall partitions may not be your first thought when it comes to enhancing your office space. Nevertheless, it is one of the best cost-saving and space-saving solutions money can buy. With our movable walls you can change the layout of your office with ease, and if you still don’t like it, change it, with […]